How to use Enky SL dongle (deprecated)

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Developer ID and Product ID

Enter the dongle’s Developer ID and Product ID given by the dongle vendor (for more information, please refer to Enky SL developer guide).

License Module Index

Choose the License Module Index you want to use, between 1 and 255 (for more information, please refer to Enky SL developer guide).

Application ID  

Enter the pass phrase you want. It will be burnt onto the dongle for security check: it allows to control that the dongle was configured with XLS Padlock. The pass phrase should not be distributed.

Background Check

The application will check the dongle’s presence at startup. It can also check it regularly while executing.

You can define the frequency of these verifications in this field: if you set 20, the application will check the dongle’s presence every 20 seconds.

If the dongle is not found, a nag screen pops up requiring insertion of the dongle in the 15 seconds. If the dongle is not inserted in time, the application exits.

Set restrictions on the application

You can limit the number of times your application can be run: tick “Max Execution Count” and enter the required number.

You can also make your application expire after a given number of days (tick “Trial Days” and enter the required number); alternatively, after a given date (tick “Expiration Date” and enter the required date).

After the given date, number of executions or days, when running your application, your customers will get an error message saying, “license expired”.