Strong Excel Workbook Protection and Licensing Made Simple
Looking for hassle-free software to effectively protect your Excel workbooks, VBA code, macros, and Excel formulas?
Look no further! With our Excel workbook protection solution, you can secure your valuable intellectual property and start selling licenses for your workbooks.
XLS Padlock is a powerful software that works as an Excel compiler, transforming your spreadsheets, formulas, and VBA code into secure applications that are ready for distribution and sale.

All-in-one Excel Protection
Lots of security features for enhanced Excel workbook protection
With our Excel compiler, wrap your Excel spreadsheets into secure Windows EXE applications with Formula Protection, VBA Compiler, EULA display, licensing and trial features, dongle or USB stick protection, and much more
Advanced licensing features for Excel workbooks
Secure your Excel files with online activation, with hardware-locked activation keys only working on a given computer, with dongle protection and/or with generic USB stick protection…
Secure your sensitive VBA code for effective Excel workbook protection and VBA protection
Protect and hide your sensitive Excel VBA code by converting it to bytecode with our exclusive XLS Padlock’s VBA compiler. Lock access to VBA project or prevent access to VBA editor.
Protect your investment and earn more from your Excel workbooks with our Excel compiler
XLS Padlock provides you with all the tools to fight piracy, sell licenses for Excel spreadsheets and make your investment profitable. A real Swiss knife for powerful Excel workbook protection.
Start testing our solution today with the fully-functional and free trial version of XLS Padlock. No time limit. No credit card required.
Live Workbook Demonstration
Test an Excel workbook compiled with XLS Padlock yourself. Discover how to use formula protection, custom splash screen, EULA display, VBA macro protection and even activation keys for your Excel workbooks and spreadsheets.
Powerful licensing options for Excel workbooks
Automate licensing of your compiled Excel workbooks: with the free WooCommerce integration kit available to XLS Padlock customers, manage licenses and online activations visually through your WooCommerce store.
Lots of useful features for enhanced Excel workbook protection
Applications can expire after a given number of days or runs, or on a specific date. Show a trial reminder (nag screen) and an EULA (license agreement) at startup. Disable standard Excel actions such as print, copy to clipboard…
Code signing and installers for Excel spreadsheets easy
Our Excel compiler automatically code signs your spreadsheet application EXE files before public distribution.
Make Setup programs or installers for your secure workbooks in a snap.
Make stand-alone applications
Secured EXE applications are stand-alone and only require Microsoft Excel to work. All Excel functionalities are supported. XLS Padlock can also compile EXE for any Excel bitness: 32-bit, 64-bit and even Universal.
All recent Excel versions handled
XLS Padlock is compatible with Excel 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002… 32-bit or 64-bit versions. It works fine with Office 365 subscriptions.

I sell a commercial application using XLS Padlock as my excel protector/compiler and as well the joint program Paquet Builder to distribute. I have had no issues with XLS Padlock or others that run the software I distribute and find it very simple and effective to use with some good features.
– Kevin A.

I love this application and my product would not exist without them. It is true there are other similar products out there but they have subscription and commission based models and will cost you a small fortune if you are distributing a number of copies or versions.
– STAR TREK Trekkie Tracker

Latest NEWs and posts

Discover What’s New in XLS Padlock 2024.3 Available Now

New Step-by-Step Video Tutorial: Hardware Locking Excel Workbooks with XLS Padlock

XLS Padlock 2024.2 released